From: Brown, RM (Bob) - PPD []
Sent: 15 December 2004 11:00
To: Cockerill, DJA (David); Shepherd-Themistocleous, CH (Claire); Bell, KW (Ken)
Cc: Kennedy, BW (Bruce)
Subject: RE: MGPA Dynamic range
Further to yesterday's mail:  we might consider starting with reduced bias on the VPTs - say 600/400.  This would reduce the VPT response by about 10%, and hence increase the effective noise by that amount.  However, it would allow the MGPA full scale to be set to 10.5 pC, which improves the noise by almost 10%, offsetting the degradation in VPT performance.  The VPT bias could then be increased with time, to offset the aging effects. This approach means that we use more of the MGPA dynamic range for longer, resulting in better noise performance overall.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cockerill, DJA (David)
Sent: 15 December 2004 09:39
To: Brown, RM (Bob) - PPD; Shepherd-Themistocleous, CH (Claire); Bell, KW (Ken)
Cc: Kennedy, BW (Bruce)
Subject: RE: MGPA Dynamic range

This looks fine.
I have an internal note, nearly gestated, for the sorting of VPTs across the EE, which is compatible with your calculations,

From: Brown, RM (Bob) - PPD
Sent: Tue 14/12/2004 19:01
To: Cockerill, DJA (David); Shepherd-Themistocleous, CH (Claire); Bell, KW (Ken)
Cc: Kennedy, BW (Bruce)
Subject: MGPA Dynamic range

Dear all,
Prompted by a brief coffee lounge discussion, I have taken a first look at the question of dynamic range choice for the MGPA.
Following the discussion of Chris Seez (FPPA Memo, August 2002) (thanks to DJAC for pointing me to this):
The deciding factor, is the desire to keep the precision physics within the high gain range of the pre-amp, to avoid switching problems.  (This approach was introduced to address FPPA problems, but applies also to the MGPA.)
From figure 3 of the Seez note, the cut-off energy for photons in the endcaps from the decay of a 150 GeV Higgs is 300 GeV.
Thus if 300 GeV is taken as full scale for Gain = 12, then full scale for Gain = 1 is 3.6 TeV.
According to the BWK data for the acceptance rig, normalised to Test Beam measurements, the mean sensitivity of a VPT + BTCP crystal is
34 electrons/MeV.
Thus full scale of 3.6 TeV is equivalent to 3.6x3.4x10^7x1.6x10^ -7 pC = 19.6 pC
Note that there is a wide spread in VPT sensitivity.  Most tubes lie within a range of +/-30% about the mean, but approximately 6% have even lower sensitivity and 10% have even higher sensitivity.  However, this can be largely managed by sorting the tubes and deploying those with the highest gains at low eta and those with the lowest gains at high eta.
The BWK sensitivity is the angle-averaged value at 1.8T.  This will be almost unchanged at 4T.  (Previous discussions assumed a 10% drop from 1.8 to 4T.)
On the other hand, as others have pointed out, various losses will rapidly occur:
Irreversible darkening of the crystal and the VPT face plate, and 'burn-in' of the VPTs.
In addition, the maximum energy deposited in a single crystal is of order 80%, thus the range-change cut-off should be taken as 240 GeV, rather than 300 GeV.
Furthermore, we plan to operate the tubes at 800V rather than 1000V, reducing the gain to 90% of the value measured on the Rig.
Thus even ignoring the 'aging' losses, the full scale charge should be taken as 0.7x19.6 pC = 13.7 pC.
If an early aging factor of 0.75 is assumed, then full scale drops to ~10 pC.  The current 'base-line' is 16pC.
Following the discussion of Chris Seez, we can assume that 'full scale' in the ADC corresponds to 3500 channels (allowing for the pedestal).
If this is set equal to 240 GeV, then the LSB on the high gain range is equivalent to ~70 MeV.
According to Mark Raymond, the MGPA noise on the x12 gain range should be less than 3500 electrons, for full scale of 16 pC.  Reducing the full scale by ~30% would reduce the noise by ~15%.
Assuming 3000 electrons noise, and allowing for a degradation of the mean VPT response from 34 to 20 electrons/MeV, gives an equivalent noise of 150 MeV/channel on the high gain range.  For eta ~2, when expressed as 'Transverse noise', this matches the Barrel performance of 40 MeV/channel.
For an LSB of 70 MeV, the pedestal is a few channels wide, which is a desirable situation.
In summary, if one assumes the first gain switch at 240 GeV and 20 electrons/MeV, then full scale is 9.2 pC.
Thus 12.6 pC would seem a reasonably safe specification (corresponding to external components of C(f) = 8.2 pC, R(f) = 4.7k and RF noise = 2236 electrons).
Comments invited.
Bob Brown
Particle Physics Department
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Chilton, Didcot, OX110QX
Tel (+44) 1235 446216
Fax (+44) 1235 446733