EE pcb count/status


Readout on EE Number per Dee EE total Total + spares Status
Motherboards 149 596 660 24 pre-prod delivered
FE cards 149 596 800 Delivered
LVR cards 149 596 ? Delivered
VFE cards (5*149) 745 - 11 (unused slots) 2980 - 44 (unused slots) = 2936 3100 Delivered
HV cards 736 2944 3120 120 pre-prod
100 prototype
Temp cables 142 568   Done
TRLB cards (doubles) 10 40 ? Done



Old prototype card usage:

~Feb    10 pre-series EB VFE cards given to Mark Raymond for modding to EE VFE cards with 8.2pF/4.7kW

As of 21.9.2005     5 VFE cards on SC05 and SC06 table test setup

                              2 VFE cards intended for Jean Fay, Lyon, somewhere in 867, to be without housings ???

                              2 VFE cards in Xtal Palace cupboard (1 with housing)

                              1 VFE card in desk (modded for scope prodding)


CERN, 29. August 2005 To whom it my concern 

VFE for EE given to David Cockerill


The following 8 VFE cards from the pre-series production were given to David Cockerill for EE test purposes. This means, they will be modified as far as necessary to represent the EE type, but also to comply with the modifications implemented in the production batches with respect to the pre-series. (The details are well know to Marc Raymond.):


  1. 33153010000424
  2. 33153010000420
  3. 33153010000246
  4. 33153010000425
  5. 33153010000429
  6. 33153010000289
  7. 33153010000297
  8. 33153010000418

With kind regards,

Werner  Lustermann


FE cards

as of 21.9.2005        1 EB FE card on SC05 and SC06 table test setup

                                7 ? EB FE cards in  Xtal Palace cupboard

                Total        8