ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Hardware Progress Meeting - 2 February 1999 Minutes: Present: Eric Eisenhandler, John Garvey, Norman Gee, Tony Gillman, Bob Hatley, Viraj Perera, Richard Staley 1. ACTION list from previous meeting (26-1-1999): a) Richard can now access the RAL CADENCE system from Birmingham, although currently limited to one server. b) Viraj has been given a delivery time of 8 weeks for S-link cards. c) DSS, G-link and ROD design specification documents are now on the Web (, and the LVDS document should be there by 5 February (see 3b below). d) Drawing Office jobs have been dealt with as a package (see 3d below). e) John reported that training a new Birmingham technician in CADENCE layout skills may be possible over the next year or so. f) No comments have yet been received on Richard's CPM prototype draft specifications ( - see 8 below). g) Norman and Sam have begun discussing DAQ and RoI issues relating to the Jet processor crate backplane, to determine if JMM and CMM unification is possible. Some areas still require more study. h) A test plan for the DSS system is under discussion. i) No information has yet been obtained on delivery time for GORE cable assemblies. j) Juergen Thomas has provided an updated status report on the Mainz LVDS link test results. ACTION: Improve remote access to RAL CADENCE system - Richard ACTION: Continue dialogue with Sam on Jet processor backplane issues - Norman ACTION: Prepare test plan for the DSS system - Norman/Scott ACTION: Check on delivery times for GORE cable assemblies - Richard 2. CMOS/GTL backplane test card status and plans: Four cards are now available - two will be assembled by (hopefully) 9th February. Some of the GTL buffer chips are not yet in hand, so Richard and Scott will initially test the CMOS channels, starting at the latest by 15th February. 3. DSS system: a) DSS motherboard design status: Viraj reported that the specifications document is now on the Web. Azmat is now preparing the schematics, with a completion target of mid-February. Bob Thompson is looking into obtaining any long-delivery components. b) LVDS CMC board design status: Richard reported that an updated draft of the specifications document is now on the Web ( He has now started schematic capture. c) G-link CMC board design status: Bob reported that the draft specifications document is now on the Web, and schematic capture is beginning. d) Timescales: Tony showed a first estimate of the projected timescales for tests. With the present Drawing Office effort the Birmingham LVDS tests would not start before mid-April, with the RAL ROD tests about a month later. Hopefully these times will improve. ACTION: Refine time estimates for tests - Tony 4. ROD prototype design status: With the specifications document now on the Web for review, Viraj reported that Kevin Hatton is now creating new library components and will soon begin schematic capture. 5. DSS + ROD review status: Panels and dates for the two imminent reviews are as follows: a) DSS system - Paul H, Uli, Richard/Viraj, Scott (~3 February - 17 February) (Release of the specifications document for the LVDS design may be a few days late.) b) ROD prototype - Uli, Cornelius, Richard, Scott (8 February - 22 February) 6. Serialising and CP ASIC specifications: Viraj reported that a preliminary draft of the Serialising ASIC specifications would be available for informal feedback by 5 February, with the detailed design being done by Ian Brawn following a VHDL model. The CP ASIC specifications will be started soon - a very preliminary target review date of 5 March was suggested (to be reviewed!). 7. CCM prototype specifications: A preliminary draft is now available from Viraj for informal feedback, with a suggested review date of 19 February. ACTION: Read CCM prototype draft and feed comments to Viraj - ALL 8. CPM prototype specifications: It is important that as many people as possible read the the preliminary draft ( and feed comments to Richard, so that a document for review can be finalised and released within the next month. A tentative review date of 19 March has been proposed. ACTION: Read CPM prototype draft and feed comments to Richard - ALL 9. Target review dates: A total of six UK designs are being prepared for review, starting with the DSS system this week and ending with the CPM prototype in mid-March. In addition, the Heidelberg PPr ASIC design will be reviewed starting ~5 February by Paul B-T, Norman, Viraj and Uli. Panels have been proposed for all designs, but not yet approached in some cases. ACTION: Contact all people proposed for remaining review panels - Tony 10. Any other business: It was suggested that the original TXM test plan be used as a guide to the producing an appropriate DSS test specification. ACTION: Send copy of TXM test plan to Birmingham - Norman * Next meeting - Tuesday 9th February at 11.00 in CR3, RAL. Tony Gillman ________________________________________________________ Tony Gillman Particle Physics Department Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Tel: +44 1235 445521 Fax: +44 1235 446733 ________________________________________________________