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Proposed Status Word Format for the Lvl1 / Lvl2 Data format

( 23th, july, 1999 )

General remarks:

It has been decided that the standard ATLAS event format (ATL-DAQ-98-129) will be adopted to implement the data format between Lvl1 and Lvl2. According to a short discussion with D. Francis (17/06/99)
    • the only condition for the status word is that if the first status word is non-zero, this indicates a corrupted/unusable/suspicious data block of the data fragment.
    • the field "Data event type" (this is the last field of the header before the data or status block starts) can be freely used to label the event type.
Therefore we propose to use the Data event type-field to label and distinguish
  • Physics events
  • test events (generated artificially)
  • Events which have monitored throughout the ROD system with help of a special flag (this is currently being implemented in the MUCTPI system )
  • cosmic runs
  • calibration runs
Currently there is no convention/rule how to use this bitfield. It should be discussed with the "developers" of the data format if some standardization is wanted and how it could look like.

Status words:

Two kinds of status information have to be transfered to LVL2:
  • Error information which indicate that the data transmitted in the corresponding data fragment is corrupted, incorrect or in any sense unreliable
  • Status information useful or necessary to interpret the content of the data block
For each kind of information a 32 bit word is proposed. The first one contains the error information. For non-corrupted events it is 0. Both words are split into two bitfields of 16 bits each labled "common "and "private". The bits in the common field have the same meaning for every subdetector involved. The private section contains bits which have meanings specific to the subdetectors. They can be used to give more detailed information on error or status information. The proposed format is based on the following information and assumptions:

Error-Bits (1st status word)

The following table lists the error bits which of the common field of the first status word. For every error type a bit is reservered. If no error has been detected the data is most probably ok and the first status word is 0x00000000.
Error Bits contained in the Common Field 
Error Type
BCID mismatch
Fatal error : a reset might be necessary
EVID mismatch
Fatal error : a reset might be necessary
Internal Data Transport Error
Can be further explained in private section. Data may be incorrect.
Data Overflow
An overfow in one of the internal buffers has occured. Absolutely FATAL. (Should not occur if throtteling works correctly). Data is not expected to be usefull anymore.
Time Out 
A time out in one of the modules has occured. The data block may be incomplete. 

The specific Error Bits for the Calorimeter Trigger are shown below. All types of errors also correspond to a common Error Bit which is set at the same time. That Bit is indicated in the column "Common Type".

Calorimeter Trigger specific Error Bits
Common Type
PPr Link error PLERR
Protocol or Parity Error on link from preprocecssor into towers
ROD Link error RLERR
Protocol or Parity Error on link from ROI processor to ROD
 The following table shows the error bits specific to the muon trigger:
Muon Trigger specific Error Bits
Common Type
MibakBusError MBERR
The error line on the internal MIBAK bus had been activated. 
MibakProtocolError MBPER
Protocol error on the MIBAK bus

Status-Bits (2nd status word)

The second status word contains bits which give general status information on the data of the data-block. They are to be seen as additional information concerning the whole event. If set it does not mean that the data in the data block is corrupted. Situations indicated by these bits are actually foreseen during normal data taking. Again the word is divided into common and private field.
Status Bits contained in the Common Field 
Error Type
Internal Data Inconsistency
Occurs during internal processing. Is further explained in the private bitfield of the word
Limited Roi  Set
The number of ROIs sent to LVL2 has been limited in order to reduce the total data volume. The limit is Detector dependent. It can be further explained in the private field.

The table shows status information sent by the calorimeter in addidtion to the common status information above.

Calorimeter Trigger specific status Bits
Common Type
???Input Data Saturation IDS
? IDI ?
At least one FADC out of dynamic range
???Algorithm Overflow AOF
Overflow during internal calculations

The private bitfield of the MUCTPI specifies further the case where a limited ROI set is sent to LVL2:

Muon Trigger specific status bits
Common Type
Suppress First SUP1
At least one "first" muon candidate has been suppressed because it did not reach its threshold
Suppress Second SUP2
At least one "second" muon candidate has been suppressed because it did not read its threshold
Candidate Overflow COFL
In the MUCTPI a maximal number of candidates to be transfered to LVL2 can be programmed (between 1 and 16). The flag is set if an event contained more candidates than given by this limit. Only the programmed maximal number of candidates have been transfered to LVL2. 
Sorter Overflow SOFL
The unit in the MUCTPI which sorts the muon candidates according to their pt can only hold a limited number of candidates of the same pt (currently 10). If more candidates of one pt are present in the event, only the last 10 candidates of that pt are transfered to Lvl2. This limitation is independent of the one above. 

Proposal for Status Word in LVL1/LVL2 interface



Status information foreseen for CTP

So far there is no status information foreseen to be sent to LVL2 by the CTP. The logic of the CTP consists of Lookup-Tables and logic "hard-wired" in programmable logic devices. Nothing can "go wrong" in this logic which could indicate a special status. Moreover no checks of which a result could be communicated in the status word are performed. If internal Buffers before the links to the DAQ or LVL2 run full, the BUSY and the module does not send Triggers anymore. Therefore a data-loss (for a triggered event) is impossible.
(Nick and Philippe investigate possible if there is possible information for a status word in this module)

This page was last updated on 16 December, 2013
Comments and requests for clarification may be sent to