Minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 1996 present: DJAC, BWK, ALL, RMB, MS. BWK - Simulation with 3 radiation lengths of material in front of ecal with random energy in the range 0-200Gev. Could not get required resolution with 5x5 array but needed 5x7. Discussion followed on usefulness of barrel presampler. CMS-UK meeting in Bristol, minutes now on the web Next week, ecal week @ CERN ALL - Mechanical work on traversing table. Dick Carter getting drawing done of additional mechanical pieces so that they can be manufactured. Discussion followed on the proposed beam line hodoscope and multi-channel pmts, decision reached that 2 pmts should be purchased, Laurie to copy info to Gavin. Suggested from the general discussion that the beam line fencing should be modified so that our area is also fenced off and can be padlocked, now that more equipment is in use and stored there. Still looking into temperature control for stored xtals. The missing HP digital scope from lab 7 has been found RMB - Meeting with CMS referees @ CERN. Also OPAL, SUSY and open LHCC session while @ CERN Next week, ecal week @ CERN Royal Society bid for Russians to be submitted. MS - Ordered necessary bits for hardware mods to beam line daq Looked into reading out LRS 7200 scope remotely using RS232. Next week, make up circuits and start implementing daq upgrades DJAC - ACOS meeting @ CERN (lack of agreement) Brought 6 EG&G APDs (3 of last years model and 3 this years), to be used for irradiation tests at ISIS under conditions similar to operating conditions in CMS. Also brought 5 xtals back. Next week, ecal week @ CERN Martin Sproston 5th November 1996