Minutes of meeting held on 11th July 1997 present: BWK, PSF, KWB, MS, RMB. BWK - Writing note on endcap geometry (with Len), draft sent to John Hayes at IC, ideas agreed. next week, finish note, then code up into GEANT. PSF - Looking at data for info to pass onto the Russians, with regard to both hafnium used in the glass, and PWO xtal samples. next week, finish the above work, then do transmission of PWO xtal sample in preparation for irradiation tests. KWB - At conference next week, write up conference, also draft VPT note for TDR MS - Test beam work, tested PWO xtals with +770MeV/c beam in two orientations using LeCroy 7200 scope. Modified DAQ program to file a scan as one file and to read scanning table positions from a file. Unpacked Lecroy 7200 scope data and transferred it to VAX. Updated spreadsheet. next week, test PWO xtals which Dave is bringing from CERN. RMB - More answers to questions from Selection Panel and CMS on our proposed contribution to CMS. next week, yet more, and CERN for PPARC visit. Martin Sproston 14th July 1997