Minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 1998 Present: RMB, BWK, ALL, MS, DI, DJAC. DI - Continuing VPT work, showed plots of o/p of all electrodes, excess noise factor and gain versus dynode volts for fixed anode volts, also gain versus field for Hamamatsu and Electron Tube devices. Have new water cooled magnet, at Brunel, which is more stable up to 400mT. Discussed equipment requirements for new magnet system in test beam area. RMB - Accounting course, List of deliverables for various documents, Reported on Ecal week. MS - Test beam work to enable measurement of xtal with VPT at field. ALL - New magnet, in test beam area, to be electrically tested today, Hodoscope now ready and in beam, only needs cables and electronics. Modifying hi-field armature to test single VPT in new magnet. BWK - Technical note on simulation work (effect of gaps and parallel versus projective geometry), Prospectus for PhD students. DJAC - Grants request document (report on last 2yr, proposal for next 4yr ), Presentation talk. Martin Sproston 13th February 1998