Quickcal 19 Mar 1999

Quickcal 19 Mar 1999

                 Minutes of Quick Calorimetry Meeting  19-3-99.

Present:  KWB, PSF, BWK, ALL, MS.

MS    Testing 6 1in ET Tubes 1000LPI  UV glass, left by Derek.
      Repeated last weeks checks on gain to set up, Diode/triode mode.
      Checked gain stability, diode mode then triode mode, gave bigger
      signal in triode mode if first tested in diode mode, gain varied
      6.7 - 8.5.
      Next 2 weeks A/L, then 3 weeks CERN, Opal shifts.

BWK   This week, interviews day, showing candidates around.
      Weds. involved with Masterclass.
      Simulations with cables in the Endcap/Barrel junction.
      Fire in Pi+ instead of photons across hermeticity gap, with radius
      set at TDR and TDR + 3cm, not much difference seen.
      Next week simulate with Jets.

ALL   Some PPD lab reorganisation work and other admin.
      Manned linear collider vertex detector displays for visits
      by interviewees.
      Working on hardware for beam line magnet control system.
      New PC arrived for beam line controls, Andrew setting up
      Labview5 and transferring magnet control program.

PSF   Helping with Masterclass.
      Paid for lamp for Laser dept. spectrophotometer, so we now have
      the right to use it.
      Measured 21 different resins, need to know accurately the glue
      Found that Laser dept. spectrophotometer on a baseline test
      calibration varies by around 1%, should be 0.01%. Will look
      into this.
      Working through 5 point requirements for glue test which were
      laid down in the last meeting.
      Selecting candidate glues for rad. damage tests at Brunel,
      use quartz plates for this.

KWB   From CERN last week, LHC will not fill every bucket at 25nsec.
      There will be a some  3usec gaps for detector calibration.
      Monday CMS management meeting and interviewing, write up Tuesday.
      Opal work and VPT testing with MS.

Laurie Lintern  23-3-99

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