Quickcal 21 May 1999

Quickcal 21 May 1999

				    Minutes of the meeting
				    held on 21st May 1999


DI  -	Distributed note on VPT gain.
	Showed some results of work on ET #12, the device showed excessive
	excess noise.
	Irradiation tests on VPTs being carried out at Brunel.

	Dave then led some general discussion on the VPT status.
	5 x 5 array at CERN was showing large leakage current, RIE bad,
	ET just on limit, Hamamatsu OK.
	Dave asked Derek if he would present the VPT status report and
	report on VPT specification for tendering in CMS week.
	Better communications were going to be required between RAL and
	Brunel when 1.8T testing was in operation.
	Next week special VPT meeting at 1000hrs Friday.
	Metz say they have produced VPTs but we have not yet seen any.
	Need specification soon so that we can tender for preproduction
	(pilot run), even so is unlikely that VPTs will be available before
	end of this year.
	Written statement required from Brunel on what they anticipate doing
	for Regional Centre for next 5 years.
	Will require another special day fairly soon to prepare PPESP
	Documents, drawings etc. to be put on the web (before EDR all
	are supposed to be on the web for at least one month).

MS  -	Started document listing requirements for DAQ for 1.8T system.
	ISIS start has been delayed, not yet running.

	Next week, get together with Laurie to discuss 1.8T system.

BWK -	Outer edge of the endcap, how realistically to approximate to the
	circular geometry using the least number of different cut-down
	Tune up the above geometry and then do simulation with photons.
	Number of complete super-crystals required in range 1.5 -

ALL -	Linear Collider work.
	Problems with lab restructuring work.
	Adam units, for controlling magnet power supplies, worked OK in lab.
	(Andrew has done schematic of 1.8T system).

	Next week, try out Adam units in test beam area.

PSF -	Precision micrometer has arrived.
	Full cleaning regime established (alcohol, distilled water, Decon
	distilled water, distilled water, air dry).
	Checked availability of irradiation facility at Brunel (suggestion
	made that samples be irradiated at 1 cm which will give approx. 100k
	rads in 24 hrs).
	Two of each sample already made and tested, thin ones are bubble
	but thicker samples generate bubbles in the curing process.
	Nothing to report on ISIS irradiation tests, ISIS not running and
	Derrick Hill on leave.
	JNCS paper, revisions sent to Peter, John and Bob.
	Thesis, trying to meet agreement of working 2 hrs each morning on

	Next week, Brunel for irradiation of samples.
	More analysis of before irradiation data of samples.

KWB -	Nothing constructive for CMS.

	Next week, look at requirements for HV distribution, how many
	what subdivision for distribution, also what slow control
	is dry nitrogen needed, if so - how, and finally what subset of this
	required for H4.

RMB -	PPESP, Opal and LHCB.
	JNCS paper checking.
	The CMS post, offer has now been made.

	Next week, APRs continue.

DJAC-	Calibration system, Saclay wish to purchase equipment now, before
	either the barrel or the endcap EDR. (new fibres proposed have much
	small bending radius [16 cf. 40 cm])
	Two monitor points, 440 and 500 nm, but QE is dropping rapidly at
	500 nm.

Martin Sproston 10th June 1999.

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