Minutes of Quick Calorimetry Meeting 7-1-00. Present: RMB, PSF, DCI, ALL, CAXP, MS. DCI Working on VPT specification and procurement, there is now a draft agreement between ETH/RAL. Writing draft on VPT handling tests and acceptance procedures. Wrote note on hyperbright blue LED's. Continued burn in test's on Ham and ET tubes. MS Setting up for VPT life test's after Christmas shutdown, magnet is taking a long time to stabilise. ALL Still completing VPT magnet test rig mechanical drawings which are being brought up to RAL accepted drawing practise. PSF Work for PPESP bid on scintillating glasses. Setting up for He diffusion tests into VPT's. Glue work - still a problem with separating RTV glued tubes. Report found on transmission of RTV after 10*8 rad. - no damage. Report on glass work for annual report? Will give talk at CERN on glue work. CAXP Repairing Rutherford scattering rig with gold foil, will try to work out what thickness required. Testing components for temperature, humidity and pressure control on glue curing measurements. RMB Busy preparing R&D presentaion on scintillating glasses for PPESP bid. Completing financial bids for CMS/Opal. Preparation for management board meeting 17/1. Work on VPT procurement document with Derek. Laurie Lintern 12-1-00.