Minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2000 Present - RMB, AMT, BWK, DJAC, ALL, IRT, JHW, MS, KWB. DJAC - Reported on preparation for supercrystal tests in H2 beam at CERN, - work nearly complete, no major problems - LED diffuser sued to send signals down fibres, all preamps working - umbilical is same length and similar cables to special Bristol box - differential drives to LRS ADC - Bristol question collective HT filtering instead of individually on each VPT. Reported on VPT status, - production underway - magnetic tests start at PNPI on 20th August 2000, not all should be tested if it will compromise delivery to CERN on the 30th August 2000 Ex-OPAL equipment can be stored in Building 867 (Dee lab). ALL - Hardware on leakage test box, drilled panels and etched PCB.(ready end of next week or beginning of following week). IRT - Signal generator in test chain, that was giving error, was replaced by borrowed unit, this worked fine, so original is faulty. To be collected from IC next Monday, is the very front end to go in the test chain, to enable link to be tested. Implementing clustering algorithm in OCRA. JHW - Electronics course, a bit disappointed in general although do know more now than before. Time management course. Gluing rows of cans for multichannel system. Dimensional testing of VPTs likely to be much simpler system than previously proposed, although fairly large number of first order will be thoroughly checked. Computer problems, disk overflow led to massive backup operation. Noise tests on a single can of type being used in multichannel system. Some work with Alex on glue testing. MS - Noise measurements on single can. RMB - Thinking about CMS related matters. Drafting the general paper on optimisation of VPTs for CMS. KWB - Not done much CMS work, apart from obtaining very front end from IC and action on VME course note. AMT - Working on gluing test equipment but temperature sensor readout is giving problems. BWK - Finished off spec. for data structure for CRISTAL, sent out 1st draft, and sent final version to CERN for CD preparation. Need something independent of CRISTAL so that we can still have access to data even if CRISTAL has problems. Bar code reader ordered and arrived. Extra memory for database PC ordered. Crystal positions program updated to provide latest info. Some work understanding LabVIEW. Martin Sproston, 20th July 2000