Minutes of Quick CMS Meeting 21-7-00 Present: RMB, DCI, BWK, ALL, JHW. ALL On leave for 3 days then 1 day Excel course so not much progress on VPT leakage current box, all parts now arrived so expect more progress next week. DCI Discussed VPT NIM paper with Bob. Brought 3 VPT's for Martin to test, ET 1500LPI mesh. Reviewed data to work out excess noise value at 0T compared to 4.7T. JHW Sorted out bugs on Website. Martin's Excel data files now update automatically. Discussions with Brian, there is a surplus Alveola for loading and breakage tests. Final row of 8 VPT cans glued. Lab 7 phone moved out of dark room. Helium ingress tests, trying to handle excess data, to much for Excel. Budget to be spent, suggested purchase of PSU. Next week mount stepper motor on test rig plate and build frame for loading into magnet. RMB VPT NIM paper coming along well, need more plots of gain and response in 1.8T field, don't have angular response in field. Have plots for 3T in test beam at CERN, Ham, RIE and ET (1000/1500LPI). Contacted PRH for irradiation tests on glasses, need this data. Completed first draft of ageing tests paper. Discussions with Justin on cost centres. BWK Reported on today's VPT test rig meeting. Still chasing RS preamps from Bristol. Bar code scanners now working with correct cables, need actual CMS bar code to test them. Extra memory delivered for database PC. MS has checked mean/peak calculation in CAXP program, tests showed very similar results. MS noise tests on new VPT can showed 3000e down to 1900e on removal of 1/3 of length of signal cable. Next week A/L. Laurie Lintern 24-7-00.