Quick VPT Test Rig meeting - minutes

Date of meeting: 7 December 2001

Venue: RAL

Present: B Kennedy, N van der Kolk, L Lintern, P Flower

  1. Report from Brunel: NvdK reported on recent work at Brunel. 
  2. Hardware: ALL has mounted row 3 in the rig - it rotates freely in the bearings. The lids for this row, incorporating screening mesh, should be finished early next week.
  3. Data-taking: MS has repeated the SPS-mode data-taking.  As before (Sep 2001) the short runs (50 events/run) show a higher pulse size than the long (100-event) runs, with the effect typically being 2-5%.   The photodiode channel shows no variation in pulse, indicating that the LED output is constant.  It therefore seems that this effect arises in the VPTs.

  4. Software: BWK has sent the electronic passport spreadsheet to RIE.

  5. Delivery of VPTs: Hans Rykaszewski has passed on a message from RIE: the first batch of 100 VPTs left RIE yesterday bound for Customs.

  6. PPARC visit, Jan 9: BWK has asked Justin G, Brian S and Tony L to supply items for the ECAL display.

    The test-rig area will require considerable tidying before the visit.

Bruce Kennedy 05 December 2003