Quick VPT Test Rig meeting - minutes

Date of meeting: 21 November 2003

Present: KWB, BWK, ALL, MS, JHW

  1. Status of rig: Production running.  MS has repaired a broken anode wire in channel E7.  VPT 37 has been stationary in F3 for some time - will resume circulation.  BWK will supply a list of retests to be run next week.
  2. Scheduled rig maintenance: plan to overhaul rig in early January.
  3. R12 storage: plan to move VPTs (with nitrogen-supplied cupboards/fridges) to R12 in week starting 8/12.
  4. Long-term test system: GPIB card has arrived (for PC/scope communication) but cable is missing.  JHW will chase suppliers.
  5. Brunel report (PRH by email): PRH has tested two VPTs with C96 glass faceplates - these need to be tested in the RAL rig.  PRH will bring them to IC next week.  Omar has sent new data files.
  6. Safety: Radiation signs are still confused in R5.3.   ALL has raised this with ISIS.

Bruce Kennedy / 05 December 2003