Quick VPT Test Rig meeting - minutes

Date of meeting: 17 October 2003

Present: PSF, BWK, ALL, MS, JHW

  1. Status of rig: Production running - second retest list in progress.
  2. CERN meeting with RIE: RIE will include, in some batches, VPTs produced under modified manufacturing conditions.  They would like these tubes to be tested quickly and te results to be few back as soon as possible.
  3. Safety issues: The R5.2 control room has no smoke detector at present.  A possible solution giving some protection to the VPT test rig is to install a detector capable of switching of the mains power to the rack via a relay system - this is estimated to cost about £200.  A connection would also be required to the ISIS alarm system.  PSF will contact ISIS MCR to establish the cost of this.
  4. Brunel testing:
    1. Latest batch of 60 almost finished 4T testing.
    2. New 3-VPT torpedo almost complete - electronics finished & tested, mechanics ready for testing.
    3. LabView software for long-term VPT tests available.  Omar S will visit RAL to get it working here.

Bruce Kennedy / 05 December 2003