Quick VPT Test Rig meeting - minutes

Date of meeting: 31 October 2003

Present: PSF, BWK, ALL, MS, JHW, CL

  1. Status of rig: Production running - second retest list should be finished today.
  2. Rig development: MS has all of the electronic components needed for Row 4.
  3. VPT delivery: 400 more VPTs receved (6201-6600).
  4. Brunel testing:
    1. Latest batch of 60 almost finished 4T testing.
    2. New 3-VPT torpedo almost complete - electronics finished & tested, mechanics ready for testing.
    3. LabView software for long-term VPT tests available.  Omar S will visit RAL to get it working here.

Bruce Kennedy / 05 December 2003