Quick VPT Test Rig meeting - minutes

Date of meeting: 6 February 2004

Present: KWB, PSF, BWK, ALL, MS

  1. Status of rig: MS has discovered that the charge injection capacitor on the Bristol preamp cards is 2.2nF, instead of 2.2pF.  Data peak widths returned to normal by removing these capacitors.  New cards still draw higher current then previous version (36 mA/channel vs 26 mA/channel) - MS is looking into this.   Should finish retests of dropped VPTs early next week.  1 lost vacuum, 1 shorted (dent in grid).  ALL has finished bases for refurbished row.
  2. Safety: Copy of current rig risk assessment posted in control room.  PSF will check on who is responsible for the first-aid box in the control room.  The responsible person will ensure that the box is fully stocked (via Occ Health).

Bruce Kennedy / 06 February 2004