UK ECAL Meeting, 16 October 1997

UK ECAL Meeting, 16 October 1997

    Revised (2nd time)  Minutes of UK CMS ECAL Meeting
         on  Thursday Oct. 16, 1997
                at RAL

           changes marked by **


Name	        Institution
----            -----------
A.Presland	University of Bristol
R.Head    	University of Bristol
D.Cockerill	RAL
R.Tapper	University of Bristol
G.Heath 	University of Bristol
H.Heath 	University of Bristol
D.Imrie 	Brunel University/RAL
D.Graham	IC
J.Hays	        IC
G.Davis   	IC
D.Britton	IC
J.Connolly	RAL
P.W.Jeffreys	RAL
R.M.Brown	RAL
P.S.Flower	RAL
G.Patrick	RAL
R.Stephenson	RAL
L.Denton	RAL
B.Smith  	RAL

1) News
R.Brown said the OST-PPARC document had been posted on the web.
The form has been basically agreed with Brian Foster. There are 3 annexes to
the document :
Part 1. Expected Physics: this is still being discussed
Part 2. The LHC machine and detectors: this is basically completed
Part 3. Deliverables: these now incorporates the UK's intention to deliver all
        the end cap supercrystals

Comments are now invited.

R.Brown has had discussions with the referees on this modification to CMS UK's 
deliverables and they have indicated that this would be acceptable.
It was felt that to formalise this modification, a letter will be required from 
D.Miller to J.Fry notifying him of the change and asking him for his formal 

R.Brown reported that the tenders for the coil return yoke had now been 
received at CERN  and were close to the estimated 20 Million CHF

There now followed a discussion on the ECAL Endcap TDR submission

2) ECAL Endcap Mechanics section

D.Cockerill presented a slide detailing the separate chapters in the TDR and 
indicating their names on disk  (see Index of /TDR/September)
1.	General Overview
2.	Lead Tungstate Crystals
3.	Mechanical design	Not there yet
4.	Photodector	apd.frm
5.	Readout Electronics	electdr.pdf
6.	Calibration and Light Monitoring system
7.	Preshower
8.	Detector Assembly and Integration
9.	Safety aspects
10.	Responsibilities and Organisation	Not yet available
11.	Cost, Funding and Profiles	Not yet available
12.	Detector Performance Studies
The file" radiation" will be included in an annex.

D.Cockerill called for comments on this Scheme

R.Brown noted that there was to be a PDR ( Preliminary Design Report) to
proceed the TDR and it would be useful if we were to have as much as possible
of the TDR in the PDR. The PDR is going to the printers Thursday 23d Oct. 

G.Heath asked why the electronics R and D was included under Mechanics.
DC commented that this was because the principal electronic development now 
required was associated with the physical separation of the VPTs and the 
Pre-amplifiers.                                             ****

The 50 cm connecting cable capacitance of 40 pf was well matched 
to the 35pf input design capacitance of the Lyon amplifier. Much of the 
electronics can be the same as for the barrel but the mechanics are 
specific.and the modularity will also be different. The signal from the end cap 
is also lower than that from the barrel.

There was general discussion on the scheme and the following points were 

More details of the Electronics should be in a separate section.

The VPT's should have a separate chapter

It was hoped that it would be possible to use Russian VPT data in the TDR.

The meeting then considered chapter 3 in detail, and a document containing an
initial draft of some of this chapter was circulated.

D. Cockerill asked for specific commitments from institutions to take on TDR 
work. He also stated that RDMS (Russia) should be fully involved. A copy of 
the file should be sent to Russia so that they can proof read and be invited
to comment

The following sections of the TDR were allocated as follows, attention is drawn 
to points raised during the discussions.

 3.2.1 Introduction               David Britton

 3.2.2 Constraints                Dave Cockerill & David Britton

 3.2.3 Geometry considerations    David Britton

 3.2.4 Endcap Modularity          ECD (Electrical Control and Design group)
                                  (John Connolly, Brian Smith & Len Denton)

 3.2.5 Supercrystal Construction  ECD

 3.2.6 Backplate support/cooling  ECD

 3.2.7 Radiation Shielding        David Cockerill  
 It was noted that recent work from Mika Huhtinen had indicated
 a high residual radiation level on the end caps on shut down This therefore 
 needed to be taken into consideration during the design phase. It may be 
 necessary to work from behind shields, where servicing or maintenance is 
 anticipated. It should be possible to remove modules to a safe environment and 
 replace them without compromising personnel. M.H.'s work had also shown that 
 the holes in the polyethylene radiation shield to allow cables through should
 be as small as practicable and filled to make them more impermeable to 
 neutrons. Neutron leakage even through small holes would contribute
 significantly to radiation damage.

 3.2.8 Readout electronics        ECD
 The spatial layout of the electronics needs to be defined. This will also 
 require knowledge of the end cap modularization. 

 3.2.9 Service requirements       David Cockerill
 It may be possible to take out some of the services at eta = 3. This would 
 then alleviate some of the service load in the 53 degree crack.

 Cooling will be a problem as the preshower runs at -5·C and the end caps at
 18C. It may be necessary to use heating strips or take steps and to ensure the
 local atmosphere is above it's dew point at -5·C

 3.2.10 Manufacture               Helen Heath
 Attention was drawn to the modularity of the system i.e. End plate, crystals, 
 Electronics. and the provision of a Data Base.

 3.2.11 Construction              ECD
 Attention was drawn to the need to assemble on the surface at CERN. It was
 felt that the work to be done should be detailed so that CERN could
 appreciate both the necessity of assembling there and the limited resources
 required. This is an area where RDMS can make a significant contribution.

 3.2.12 Installation & Commissioning ECD
 J.Connolly stressed that the assembly cannot be translated from the horizontal 
 to the vertical.

 The mechanical design is now much more rational and the D's can be pulled
 apart with the services, ( except water ) following them.
 Careful consideration must be given to the problems associated with high 
 activation levels. 

 3.2.13 Maintenance planning       ECD
 J.Connolly noted that this need only be a single paragraph of a few clear 

 3.2.14 Survey                     David Cockerill
 It is important that allowance is made for the difference in the dimensions of 
 the magnet with field on and field off these can change by more than 2 cm. The 
 exact change is difficult to calculate as it depends on the quality of the
 steel used. Attention was also drawn to the problems that would arise if the
 barrel, end cap and coil are not con-centric.

 3.2.15 Timescale - MS Gant  chart John Connolly

3) VPT chapter
   Derek has sent a version to CERN

4) Endcap Trigger
   Greg heath presented his latest work on the endcap trigger
   Transparencies may be found under
   in the following files:    Contains the 'words'   ) Have endcap pictures     )            Is the picture showing readout boards

   There are still problems in matching the modularity to the fermi readout
   boards. Greg was able to show considerable improvements in the spread in
   crystal numbers per trigger tower by optimisation. There may be problems 
   associated with the fact that the signal from the end cap to the electronics
   will be less than the signal from the barrel. 

5) Simulation input - status of ECAL Endcap

   There is now more space behind the end caps.
   The distance to the extreme edge of the end cap has gone up from 1.700 to
   1.711. For good resolution we ideally need an extra 2.4 cm thus would like
   to increase the distance to 1.736.

   Simulation results were presented by H Heath, J Hays and D Graham.
   The effect of different materials used in alveolar walls was considered :
   in particular steel or air. Initial results suggest a significant 
   degradation of the resolution of the reconstructed energy with steel.

   The effect of crystal length on energy loss was studied, with 20cm and
   22cm crystals at phi = 45 degrees, and at eta = 1.8. The relative losses 
   were 29.4% and 13.3% for 100 GeV gammas and 17.7 % and 8.3% for 50 GeV

6) Calibration and monitoring section              R Brown

   R.Brown felt that the end cap should be calibrated as a D in a beam line. 
   This will need careful consideration as it will be necessary to tilt the 
   assembly to 26·
   It may also be necessary to make the measurements in a magnetic field, but
   the smaller VPT's may be more stable than the ones used for OPAL.
   These considerations need not go in the TDR.

7) Update on the Mechatronics design and the electronics chain

   J Connolly presented the position on the Mechanical design.
   Proposed allocation of engineering design work with RDMS

	Back support plate
	Super crystal mounting
	Fixation to the HCAL
	Build and installation plans

	Crystal geometry
	Super crystal mechatronics
	Readout electronics ( it will not be possible to just copy the barrel)
	Overall dimension and layout scheme

   The arrangement will be non exclusive with an emphasis on collaboration.
   To this end there should be regular ECAL endcap engineering meetings at CERN 
   where engineering design proposals are presented for review and approval.

   There is a significant problem associated with radiation levels and the 
   electronics. The original design with the pre amplifiers mounted on the back
   of the crystals exposed them to high radiation levels.

   The proposed design now anticipates the electronics being mounted behind 
   the end plate and behind a polyethylene shield, which, provided good
   hermaticity is maintained with respect to neutrons, should provide
   sufficient shielding. There will be problems associated with matching the
   cable capacitance and space considerations but overall a much more rational
   modularization can be achieved and the heat loading on the crystals is

   J Connolly showed a carbon fibre sample of the alveolar unit Nikoli had made
   in Russia, with an inner wall thickness of 400 mu and 200mu outer walls. He 
   understood that the inner surfaces could be made very smooth and asked for 
   physics input on the question of reflective coating and light collection.

   J Connolly suggested that Nikoli should make a 3 by 3 alveolar unit, and
   then make 4 off so a 36 array could be tested in the test beam. A request
   should be made for the appropriate crystals.

   It is important that all electronic components are radiation tested.

   It was felt that a case should be made for the end cap and the barrel work
   to proceed in parallel to ensure a coherent development and production
   program.   ***********
   R.Stephenson presented developments on the front end electronics of the 
   endcap. He has been carrying out checks on the Lyon preamp to ascertain 
   whether it is viable to use a 50 cm cable between the VPT and the preamp.
   Initial tests suggest a  40pf cable would, for a gain of 8, increase the
   rise time to 18ns and the noise by 700 electrons.

   Richard emphasised the need for careful screening and noted that the cable
   would have to be twin screened coax.

8) ECAL Endcap beam tests at CERN

   7  VPT's have arrived from Russia, together with the two already delivered
   make 9.

   V. Katchanov is due to arrive at CERN with 9 endcap shape crystals on 21st
   October. Paul Lecoq has organised for the crystals to go through the
   preparation, ACOSS and Tyvec wrapping schedule foreseen for production.

   D.Cockerill will take out 9 Stephenson type amplifiers together with 1 VPT
   to act as a spare. The original RAL distribution boxes will be reused. The
   aim is to measure the number of photoelectrons per MeV from each crystal, 
   with coupling grease and VPT system.

   The tests should start with low intensity to ensure any radiation blackening
   can be carefully monitored. There can be a 20% loss in yield for 100 rad.

   If run time is available from 9 to 10 Nov tests were foreseen with Lyon 
   preamplifiers. If the opportunity arises a VPT should be tested for 
   nuclear counter effect by masking the tube.

   The 50 cm cable links should be tested with appropriately screened cable.
   Great care will have to be taken over earth loops and cooling. G.Davis 
   volunteered to be present during the run to help with this when needed.

9) VPT's
   D.Imrie reported that he had now received 21 VPT's from Electron tubes,
   7 off of 3 types. There were 2 sizes of grid in Cu, and identical grid 
   sizes of Ni and Cu. The quantum efficiency given was the same as for the
   Russian tubes but the stated gain differed although no voltage was given. 
   These will be tested at RAL.

10)Quadrant prototype model
   It was felt that the plaster models so far built were invaluable. It was
   also felt that the next area of modelling that was critical was the 
   coaxial part of the stiffening supporting the crystals. A small prototype of
   the back of the alveolar unit should be made, detailing the stiffening and
   flatness of the back.

11)The next meeting will be at IC at 10-30 on Wednesday 17 Dec.
   The aim will be to plan the next 12 months work.

   P.S. Flower 

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