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Web explorers.

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The following sites provide various levels of assistance in retrieving information from the Web; I have tried out some of them!

I have also found a variety of assessments and comments; most informative appears to be Search Engine Showdown.

For a comprehensive list of over 100 Web `robots' and related information, see
The Web Robots Pages
; or try the BIG Search Engine Index, the Search Engine Colossus  or the JafSoft Search Engine `search engine'.
An impressive search tool is available as a free download from Copernic.

The University of Wolverhampton's Searching the World Wide Web and Keele University's Searching the Internet may also be useful.

For science-related searches only, try

And, though not search engines:

Copernic 2001 meta-search tool requires a software download (2.4 MB) and installation - but (I find) is well worth the effort.

Finally (and quite separately), if you want to look for a discussion group, try:

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