OUSFG Committee (1998-9)

Alex Williams
Lady Margaret Hall
email: <goblin@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>
Jo Charman
St Hilda's College
email: <joanna.charman@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk>
Ian Snell
Oriel College
email: <oneiros@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>
Alex "Finals? What are Finals?" Williams
Lady Margaret Hall
email: <goblin@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>
Meedja (Newsletter Editor and Video Ubermensch)
Tanaqui "likes to watch" Weaver
email: <cen@ecs.ox.ac.uk>
Sfinx Editor
Rhiannon Barber
Genital Piercing Officer
Simon Marshall-Unitt
St John's College
email: <sjoh0577@sable.ox.ac.uk>
Beard of OUSFG
Ruth O'Reilly
Balliol College
email: <ruth.oreilly@balliol.oxford.ac.uk>
Let's hope Ruth will succeed at this important post where others have failed.

HTML 3.2 Checked... Best viewed with ANY browser! http://www-pnp.physics.ox.ac.uk/SF/people/committee-98-99.html last modified 12th October 1998 by
Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>
I am not on the committee (at least that's what I keep telling them whenever they try inviting me to a committe meeting), but can be contacted if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about these web pages; or if you are unable to contact any of the committee directly.