Miscellaneous HTML Topics
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [bloo@blooberry.com] =

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If you frequent any forums on HTML, many of the following questions may seem VERY familiar. I see these questions asked more than any others, and I hope I can do my part to answer or address them all in one place (whether for better or worse.) If you know of any other FATDQ [Frequently Asked To Death Questions =)] of HTML, I would be interested in trying to address them.
How Do I Get Started Learning HTML?
When I first started to create this site, I decided to stay away from introductory topics in order to concentrate on the heart of HTML. I have had some readers rave about my site, and then subsequently confess that it was a bit too advanced for the level they were currently at. When these people ask me for sites that would be good starting points, I have been at somewhat of a loss - until now. Hopefully the sites reviewed here can serve as a gateway into the wonderful world of HTML. 'When yer done with these, y'all come back now!' =)
How Do I Indent Using HTML?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions posed by many HTML authors. I will try to cover all possible methods that can (or SHOULD) be used and weigh the pros and cons for each method. Hopefully, you can draw your own conclusion about which method will work best for you.
What is the 'NATURALSIZEFLAG' attribute of the IMG tag?
Due to a design decision by an HTML editor company, there are more than a few pages running around with this unexplained phantom attribute. What is it, where did it come from, and why isn't it part of the HTML specifications? [I knew part of the answer to this a while back, but a reader was kind enough to send me the clarification that he received directly from the company on the matter.]
How can frame borders be controlled in BOTH Netscape and Internet Explorer?
When the basic HTML frame syntax was extended in Netscape and Internet Explorer to allow control over the appearance of the borders around frames, both browsers chose to use a slightly differing syntax from the other. Despite this inconsistency, it IS possible to get the same rendering results in both browsers if simple rules are followed.
Should this section remain part of the main site? Or, should this topical information be separate from the other parts of the site? I am planning to add more topics to this section, and I would love to hear any input on the issue or if you would like other HTML matters addressed as well.
  • How do I hide the source of my HTML document from readers? [You can't]
  • How do I include the subject line in a 'MAILTO' URL? [Not possible unless illegal syntax is used]
  • What HTML is used to allow a background sound to be played in BOTH Netscape and Internet Explorer? [Use BGSound AND Embed]

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