What's New at Index DOT Html
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [bloo@blooberry.com] =

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Last Archive Date: 6/7/97

I am still missing details of IE 4 Beta 1 support, and I hope to get that covered in the near future with the details of Beta 2 support as well. I also am trying to find the time to finish several sections I have been working on for a while. The following is a checklist of things that I would like to include VERY soon.

Immediate Wish List

I am still keeping track of other new browser developments and there are a few spots in the site that could still easily use polishing. Stay tuned for more details... To keep ya' busy, I have documented the Change History for the site. This page will be an ever-growing list that can be referenced to help people using the downloaded version determine whether and/or when to update or not.

Long-Term Wish List

Now that the archive is available, I am starting to compile a list of topics or items to add to the site. I will be adding these when I get the time. Please feel free to e-mail me with ideas, topics or critiques to improve the site.
- Brian,
  July 6, 1997