Interpreting the HTML
Specification/Browser Support Pages

= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [] =

Main Index | Top Of Tree | Tag Index | Tag History

The Navigation Bar
This is a navigation bar to access other important sections of the site.
Appears as:      
Main Index | Top of Tree | Tag Index | Browser Timelines | How to Read These Pages

Quick Jump Index
Quickly access a tag beginning with another letter. The prominent letter is that of the current page.
Appears as:      
A B C D E F H I K L M N O P S T U V W X !

Column Headings
These are the column headings for the tag history grid. For each HTML tag or attribute listed, the table indicates if it is supported by any of the listed HTML standards (2.0, 3.0, or 3.2) or common browsers (Internet Explorer, Mosaic or Netscape.)
Appears as:   
Tag     Attribute   2.0   3.0   3.2      Internet Explorer     Mosaic     Netscape    

Tag Description
For each HTML tag or attribute listed, this portion of the grid indicates support by the HTML standards or browsers.
Appears as:   
Kbd                            X      X      X                     1.0                         2.0               1.0           
Lack of support:
Indicated by a "--".
HTML Standards: Indicated by an "X"
Browsers: Something like: "2.0FB".
[This indicates the first version of the browser where the tag or attribute was supported.]

Color Notation System:
This indicates which browsers or standards were first to support any given tag or attribute.
Red text with Italics
Shows the browser or standard was the first to support the tag
[both a single standard and a browser can hold this value.]
Regular Yellow text
Shows that the standard or browser supports the tag or attribute, but was not the first to support it.

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