d2wired - DELPHI DST to WIRED Conversion

The DELPHI DST data formats are used to store (on disk or tape) detailed information on large number of physics events after readout from the detector and offline processing. The WIRED Java Event Display allows events to be viewed at different orientations and magnifications, using a (Java-capable) web browser. In order to allow the data to be accessed rapidly from the web, a special simplified event format is employed. The d2wired program converts from DELPHI DST to WIRED fomat. It also performs simple analysis (vertex and jet finding) so this need not be done by the event display.

Installation and Use

The d2wired DELPHI DST -> WIRED conversion program may be downloaded (gzipped tar format) or copied from

Here are some brief intructions on building and running d2wired. I use HPPLUS, though the program should work on other platforms (perhaps modulo some changes to paths in the scripts). If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions (I already have plenty of these!), please feel free to contact me.

  1. Copy the files to your own directory (don't worry about the d2wired subdirectories). If you make any modifications, please let me know - there are several people interested in this program so I'd like to keep all improvements common.
  2. Type
    This will make the executable in your $SCRATCH area.
  3. d2wired.run executes the program. See the top of that script for details on the parameters. The script all.sh gives a few examples - those were the commands I used to create the WIRED demo. Control options are specified in the d2wired.tit title file. These can be overridden on the command line, eg.
    d2wired.run -t EK1318.65 IPRHAD=3 NEVMAX=10
    converts the first 10 hadronic events (by default it stops after one event) on VSN EK1318, file 65. Commented-out options in d2wired.tit tell you what the defaults are.

    The components to be written (TE, TK, and/or TV) are specified by setting INCLTE, INCLTK, and/or INCLTV=TRUE or FALSE. TEs show calorimeter energy deposits, TKs (not included by default) show the reconstructed charged tracks, and TVs show the charged tracks extrapolated to the vertex.

  4. A list of created events is written to event.list (this is in PHDST format, where the first two numbers on each line give the run and event number). The output of each event is in a file rRRRRRR_eEEEEEE.asc , where RRRRRR is the run and EEEEEE is the event number (eg. r061832_e000074.asc). This naming scheme is required by WIRED.


d2wired was written by Tim Adye, using ideas from Patrik Gunnarsson and Tord Malmgren's getevent routine (this can be compared with d2wired's equivalent, d2wput, by specifying IWRCOD=1) which they incoporated into DAFNE (see /afs/cern.ch/user/m/malmgren/cnvevt for their full setup). I chose to use SKELANA directly (which DAFNE also uses) in order to simplify the setup. The main improvements over cnvevt are, that d2wired

What this means for the display is described in the demo help.

The WIRED ASCII format was designed by Mark Dönszelmann and (I guess) Patrik Gunnarsson. The track and hit colours were defined later for ralwired97, so WIRED version 0.90 probably won't display them. Plans are afoot to move to an XML event description.

Possible Improvements

Navigation links: [DELPHI Home] [WIRED] [Demo]
HTML 3.2 Checked... Best viewed with ANY browser! http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/Delphi/Adye/d2wired.html last modified 28th August 1998 by
Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>