LHCb software available on the RAL afs system

In the RAL PPD systems, the LHCb software is mounted in the directory /opt/ppd/lhcb/lhcb/scripts. DaVinci, Panoramix and Ganga have been tested to be working on the heplnx machines. To use the LHCb software which is installed at RAL, you need one of the following : Usage of the software : You need to source the file
 /opt/ppd/lhcb/lhcb/scripts/lhcbsetup.csh  for (t)csh shells
 /opt/ppd/lhcb/lhcb/scripts/lhcbsetup.sh   for (z)sh shells
Next, depending on what package you want to run, you need to get the environment of that package. For example to use DaVinci, type
$ setenvDaVinci
and for Brunel, type
$ setenvBrunel
You will be asked for the version you want to be used. You can pick one out of the list provided. Then, you are up and running. Look at the guides of the respective packages to find out how to use them.

Note :

For those who want to install the software in their own computers / areas, the following pointers may come of use.

You need to set the environment variables SITEROOT (where you actually install the packages) and CMTCONFIG (the type of operating system it is : For example, rh73_gcc323, slc3_ia32_gcc323, win32_vc71). Then, follow the instructions given on the following web page to actually install the software.

If you are planning to install / support all the LHCb software, the following may be useful :

The aim is to provide the complete set of software comprising the various LHCb packages as will be needed by a generic user. The list of software available contains most of the versions (starting with the DC04 compatible ones) as in the LHCb Computing Webpages. If any version is missing, please do contact me at the email address given below. Of course, the setenv< package > command will give you the list of available versions for the given package.

For more information : contact Raja Nandakumar ( R dot Nandakumar at rl dot ac dot uk )