ClusterAlg.gif (577 bytes) The ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

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TDR Updates - Algorithms

This page provides information on changes to the calorimeter trigger design made after submission of the TDR. Information on changes to TDR Technologies and External Systems is also available.

Number of em/tau thresholds.

TDR- Page 31 Updated Version
16 sets of thresholds are organised as 8 for em and 8 for tau triggers. 16 sets of thresholds. The first 8 are for em triggers only.  The second 8 can be programmed to define em or tau triggers, giving the flexibility to run more em (and less tau) triggers if needed.
Presented: Level-1 Collaboration Meeting at CERN 4-Sep-1998 (A Watson), Level-1 UK at RAL 23-Nov-1998 (A Watson), Level-1 Collaboration Meeting Heidelberg 30-Nov-1998 (P Watkins) and Birmingham 6 March 1998 (A Watson).
Status: Agreed

Hadronic Isolation.

TDR- Page 30 Updated Version
All 16 towers in the 4*4 tower region are summed and compared with a single Hadronic isolation threshold. An inner 2*2 region (4 towers) and an outer ring of 12 towers are summed separately and compared to two separate thresholds. The threshold conditions must both be satisfied to produce a trigger. The change offers increased flexibility and may marginally improve rejection.
Presented: Level-1 UK at RAL 23-Nov-1998 (A Watson), Level-1 Collaboration Meeting at Heidelberg 30-Nov-1998 ( P Watkins) and Birmingham 6 March 1998 (A Watson).
Status: Approved by T/DAQ Steering Group 22/7/99. No adverse effects on signal efficiency seen in any situation simulated, and possibly slight benefits. Atlas note in preparation.

Definition of em/tau RoIs

TDR- Pages 36-40, 49-50 Updated Version
The position is defined by the highest of the overlapping 2*2 area sums which satisfy the threshold criteria. The sum is over the em calorimetry only for em triggers and over em and hadronic calorimetry for tau triggers. The position is defined by the highest 2*2 area sum satisfying the threshold criteria. For both em and tau triggers, the sum is over em and hadronic calorimetry. If the em trigger fires, isolation ensures a very small energy deposit in the hadronic layer. The common algorithm simplifies implementation and marginally improves jet rejection (when used with 2-region hadronic isolation), and also slightly simplifies the RoI format.
Presented: Level-1 UK at RAL 23-Nov-1998 (A Watson), Level-1 Collaboration Meeting at Heidelberg 30-Nov-1998 (P Watkins) and Birmingham 6 March 1998 (A Watson).
Status:  Approved by T/DAQ Steering Group 22/7/99. No adverse effects on signal efficiency seen in any situation simulated, and possibly slight benefits. Atlas note in preparation.

This page was last updated on 16 December, 2013
Comments and requests for clarification may be sent to