End Tag: Omitted
Support Key: 2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M3B2 | N2
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What is it?
This tag is part of the Frames syntax. Each FRAME tag within the FRAMESET structure defines the URL contents of a particular frame window as well as attributes the frame window will carry. A particular frame can be TARGETed as a destination for hyperlinks when given a NAME attribute to identify it.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE | M | N3B5
Required? No
Controls the color to be used for frame borders. The color value specified in the FRAME tag overrides any previously defined FRAMESET colors for that frame.
Values: RGB triplet or special Color name.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M | N3B5
Required? No
Controls the display of the border around the frame. This value overrides any global FRAMEBORDER attributes already set in a FRAMESET tag. Because borders are shared between frames, a border will only be turned off if all the frames sharing it have their FRAMEBORDER attribute set to "no" (or 0.)
Netscape lists values for this attribute as Yes [DEFAULT] and No.
Internet Explorer lists values of 1 [DEFAULT] and 0 [display no border.]
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M | N2
Required? No
This attribute gives the author control over the top and bottom margins of the current frame. Default behavior is to allow the browser to decide on the margin values.
Integers representing the pixel height for the top and bottom margin. Must be values that do not yield a margin value of 0 or less, or a value that would not allow any text to be displayed.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M | N2
Required? No
This attribute gives the author control over the left and right margins of the current frame. Default behavior is to allow the browser to decide on the margin values.
Integers representing the pixel width for the left and right margin. Must be values that do not yield a margin value of 0 or less, or a value that would not allow any text to be displayed.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M | N2
Required? No
Indicates the symbolic name assigned to the current frame for reference by the browser when other links or actions target the frame as a destination. Named frames in a FRAMESET structure can serve as a destination of links via the TARGET attribute within the A, AREA, BASE, and FORM tags.
String value beginning with an alphanumeric character. Default value for this attribute (and hence for all framed documents) is to be unnamed.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M3B2 | N2
Required? No
This is a stand-alone flag which tells the browser that the current frame is not resizable by the user. Assigning this attribute to one frame can effect the resizability of other adjacent frames. Default behavior for all frames is to be resizable.
Values: NA
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M3B2 | N2
Required? No
This provides guidelines for displaying a scrollbar in the frame for the user.
    Auto [Let the browser decide if a scrollbar is necessary - DEFAULT.]
    Yes [always provide a scrollbar]
    No [never provide scrollbar]
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3A1 | M3B2 | N2
Required? Yes
This attribute represents the URL of the current frame document. A FRAME tag with no SRC attribute will display a blank space where the frame would be.
Values: Values can be either relative or absolute URLs.

    <title>Frames Example</title>
<frameset ROWS="20,25%,*">
    <frame SRC="frame1.html" NAME="frame1">
    <frame SRC="frame2.html" NAME="frame2">
    <frameset COLS="30%,*">
         <frame SRC="frame3.html" NAME="frame3">
         <frame SRC="frame4.html" NAME="frame4">
        This text will appear only if the browser does not support frames.
Parent Model
Content Model
This tag accepts no content.

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