End Tag: Omitted
Support Key: 2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M3 | N1.1
What is it?
Tag Example
Parent/Content Model
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= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [] =
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What is it?
The Meta element is an extensible mechanism for use in identifying specialized document meta-information. Each Meta tag specifies a Name/Value pair. If multiple Meta tags are specified with the same name, their combined CONTENT sections will be concatenated as a comma separated list to be associated with the common NAME value.

Current common uses
Client Pull:
This use of the META tag causes a document to be automatically loaded after a specified number of seconds. This form uses the HTTP-EQUIV attribute as the identifier in the META statement with a value of REFRESH. The content can be either an integer value [N] representing the number of seconds to wait before refreshing the current page, or a combination value separated by a semi-colon representing a time value [N] and a URL page destination [URL].
    Syntax 1: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="[N]">
    Syntax 2: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="[N]; URL=[URL]">
Editor Identification:
The GENERATOR value for NAME is very commonly inserted into documents by HTML editor programs. It specifies as a value the editor that generated the code. Web browsers ignore this META tag usage.
    Syntax: <meta NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="[Editor Name]">
Search Engine Identification:
There are two commonly used META tag syntaxes for helping in the indexing of web documents in popular search engines. The KEYWORDS value for the NAME attribute is a comma separated list of keywords relating to the current document, while the DESCRIPTION value for the NAME attribute represents the current document description summary. Web browsers ignore this META tag usage but some search engine robots use it to help index files.
    Syntax 1: <meta NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="[Search Engine Keywords]">
    Syntax 2: <meta NAME="Description" CONTENT="[Search Engine Description]">
Browser Cache Override:
The EXPIRES value for the NAME attribute give as its CONTENT value a date [Date Value]. The EXPIRES value is used to indicate to a browser when time-sensitive information becomes old. Browsers must not cache the requested page beyond the date given. The presence of an EXPIRES field does not imply that the original resource will change or cease to exist at, before, or after the time indicated, but does speak to the expected timeliness of the material.
    Syntax 1: <meta NAME="Expires" CONTENT="[Date Value]">
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M3 | N1.1
Required? Yes
Specifies the value of the Name/Value pair. The values allowed for this attribute are dependent on the NAME or HTTP-EQUIV attribute used.
Values: Alphanumeric string value.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M3 | N1.1
Required? No
This attribute binds the Meta CONTENT element to an HTTP header field. When a browser requests a particular page containing a META HTTP-Equiv tag from a server, the CONTENT portion of the tag will be attached to the document header that is passed to the browser before the rest of the actual document content. The browser or HTTP server may use this information to process the document. Values are not case sensitive.
Values: Alphanumeric keyword string value.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M3 | N1.1
Required? No
An attribute that specifies the name of the Name/Value pair. If not present, HTTP-EQUIV must be supplied in its place.
Values: Alphanumeric keyword string value.
Client Pull:
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5; URL=">
Editor Identification:
<meta NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Editor Brand X">
Search Engine ID KEYWORDS:
<meta NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="HTML,history,hypertext,tags,reference">
<meta NAME="Description" CONTENT= "Index Dot HTML is a complete reference to HTML">
Browser Cache Override:
<meta NAME="Expires" CONTENT= "Mon, 01 Jan 1996 23:59:59 GMT">
Parent Model
Content Model
This tag accepts no content.
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