About Rubies in HTML...
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [bloo@blooberry.com] =

Justification | Usage
Related Sites
Main Index | Element Tree | Element Index | HTML Support History

Consider a character set as complex as Chinese, where some characters are used rarely and are thus not as easily recognizable by younger children or possibly many adults. In Japanese writing, the phonetic Hiragana alphabet is used to pair phonetic 'helper' readings (called Furigana or Yomigana in Japanese) with the chinese character counterpart.

Rubies are meant to serve the same purpose in HTML as furigana does in Japanese. The Ruby pairs helper content with the base content. The helper content may contain such things as pronunciation aids, but it can serve other purposes as well.

[ <Ruby>]
This is the container element for the ruby structure. It contains content along with the optional RT element.
[ <Rt> ]
The Ruby Text (RT) contains the helper content for the content of the Ruby.

Related Sites
Official References
Internet Explorer element reference
[Includes documentation on RT and RUBY]

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