The Java(tm) Telnet Applet

© 1996, 97 Matthias L. Jugel, Marcus Meißner

The Java(tm) Telnet Applet is a fully featured telnet program that allows users to connect and login to remote hosts via Internet or Intranet using their WWW-Browser only. Not only it includes telnet compliant connection services, but also the ability to dynamically load additional Terminal Emulations and Modules.

Look at our test page to see how the applet works or download the package. This software is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License as documented in the file COPYING. The class packages are also available under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as documented in the file COPYING.LIB, so programmers can make the most out of our work.

The Java(tm) Telnet Applet is recommended GNU Software.

The Java(tm) Telnet Applet is free Software! However, if the GPL will prevent you from using our work (e.g. you can't give away your source for whatever reason) please don't hesitate to contact us. We will find a solution!
If you like our work send us a postcard or whatever you think is cool :-) Click on the Email below and ask for our snail mail address.
The newest version and bug fixes can always be found at:

Test it! | Download | Documentation | User URL | Contact us!

Date of this package: Tue Dec 16 12:09:24 1997

[BACK] Get the latest version here!
Last modified: Wed Jul 23 14:43:10 1997 by Matthias L. Jugel

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