End Tag: Start & End tag optional
Support Key: 2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE1 | M1 | N1
What is it?
Tag Example
Parent/Content Model
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= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [] =
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What is it?
This is a top level HTML document structure which encapsulates and defines all content(text and images) in the document structure; all document content should be contained within these tags. All attributes to this tag define document wide properties and display characteristics.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE | M | N1.1
Required? No
This attribute indicates the color that a hyperlink assumes when it is activated or clicked on. This state is usually only temporary until the activation event ends
Values: An RGB triplet or a special Color name.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE1 | M2FB | N1.1
Required? No
This attribute specifies an image to be used in the background of the document. If the referenced image is smaller than the browser window, it will be tiled to fit and will scroll with the text on the page.
Either a absolute or relative URL indicating the location of the graphic.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE1 | M2FB | N1.1
Required? No
This attribute specifies the color of the document background and allows control over background appearance without requiring the browser to make an additional download of an image. If a BACKGROUND image attribute is also present, the BGCOLOR specified will shine through regions where the background image is transparent.
Values: An RGB triplet or a special Color name.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M | N
Required? No
This attribute is dependent upon the BACKGROUND attribute for proper operation. The only allowable value currently is Fixed, and it indicates to the browser that the specified background image will be watermarked in the browser window [image will not scroll when the text scrolls.] If this attribute is absent, the default scrolling behavior is used.
Values: Fixed
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M | N
Required? No
This attribute gives the author control over the amount of space devoted to the left margin of the browser window.
Values: Specified in pixels with integer values of 0 or greater.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE1 | M2FB | N1.1
Required? No
This attribute indicates the default color of hyperlinks that have not yet been activated.
Values: Either an RGB triplet or a special Color name.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE1 | M2FB | N1.1
Required? No
When this attribute is present it indicates the default color of the document text. This color can be overridden locally by specifying a FONT COLOR value.
Values: Either an RGB triplet or a special Color name
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE2 | M | N
Required? No
This attribute gives the author control over the amount of space devoted to the top margin of the browser window.
Values: Specified as pixels with integer values of 0 or greater.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE1 | M2FB | N1.1
Required? No
This attribute indicates the default color of hyperlinks that have already been activated.
Values: Either an RGB triplet or a special Color name.

Event Handler Attributes
[For more information on Event Handlers, please see the SCRIPT page.]
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N2B3
Required? No
This attribute executes Script code with the completion of a window's loading or when all frames within a Frameset have finished loading. In a Frame document scenario, an onLoad event in the BODY tag of a sub-frame will occur before an onLoad event within the parent FRAMESET tag.
Values: Script statements or an external function call.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N2B3
Required? No
An unLoad Event Handler executes Script code when the user exits a document. In a Frame document scenario, an onUnload event in the BODY tag of a sub-frame will occur before an onUnload event within the parent FRAMESET tag.
Values: Script statements or an external function call.

Style Sheet Attributes
[More on Cascading Style Sheets]
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2
Required? No
This represents an assigned semantic classification grouping(s) for the current tag.
Given as a comma separated list of alphanumeric characters. Class names may contain spaces (multiple consecutive spaces treated as a single space.)
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2
Required? No
This assigns an alpha-numeric identifier that is unique to this tag instance. Style sheets may use this attribute to reference the current instance of this tag. Hyperlinks may also use this identifier to serve as a destination.
An alphanumeric string - initial character must be a letter followed by alphabetic characters, digits, "-" or "." characters. The allowable set of alpha-characters is restricted to the A-Z and a-z set.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N4B3
Required? No
This attribute is a text string that provides rendering style information for the current tag.
Please see the description of inline styles for more information on how to use this attribute and its possible values.
      <title>this is the document title< title>
<body BACKGROUND="image.gif" BGPROPERTIES="fixed" TEXT="#ff0000" LINK="#ffff00">
document text
Parent Model
<html> | <noframes>
Content Model
%Text% | %Anchors% | %Virtual Formatting% | %Physical Formatting% | %Line Break Content% | %Multimedia Content% | %Block Content% | <address> | <basefont> | <Hx>
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