Parent/Content Model
=Shorthand Notations=

= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [] =

Main Index | Top Of Tree | Tag Index | Tag History

Throughout the pages for each tag, there is a section detailing the Parent/Content model relationship between a tag and all the rest of the HTML tags. To list ALL applicable tags in each relationship would be a big waste of space, especially since there are many categories that tags can commonly be grouped in to when identifying Parent/Content relationships. These categories are based on those used in the HTML DTDs to define behavior for the language.

General Models
Includes: Text | Character Entities
Description: This is text. It includes the alphanumeric ascii range plus HTML character entities in some cases.
Includes: <A href> | <A name>
Description: These are the two states of the hyperlink tag.
%Physical Formatting%
Includes: <B> | <Big> | <Blink> | <Font> | <I> | <Nobr> | <S> | <Small> | <Strike> | <Sub> | <Sup> | <Tt> | <U>
Description: These tags define how the content should actually appear.
%Virtual Formatting%
Includes: <Cite> | <Code> | <Dfn> | <Em> | <Kbd> | <Samp> | <Strong> | <Var>
Description: These tags give a semantic meaning to the contained text.
%Line Breaking%
Includes: <Br> | <Wbr>
Description: These two tags imply or force line breaks in a document.

Parent Models

%Block Format Parent%
Includes: <Blockquote> | <Center> | <Dd> | <Div> | <Form> | <Li> | <Multicol> | <Td> | <Th>
Description: These are either the main block elements or the sub-elements of other block elements, if they have them.
%Multimedia Parent%
Includes: <Applet> | <Embed> | <Iframe> | <Noembed> | <Nolayer> | <Noscript> | <Object>
Description: This subset of the multimedia tags allows content.

Content Models

%Head Content%
Includes: <Base> | <BGSound> | <Isindex> | <Link> | <Meta> | <NextID> | <Script> | <Sound> | <Style> | <Title>
Description: This is a shorthand method to specify all allowable elements for the HEAD tag.
%Block Format Content%
Includes: <Blockquote> | <Dir> | <Div> | <Dl> | <Form> | <Hr> | <Isindex> | <Menu> | <Multicol> | <Ol> | <P> | <Pre> | <Table> | <Ul>
Description: These are all the HTML block structures.
%Multimedia Content%
Includes: <Applet> | <BGSound> | <Img> | <Iframe> | <Map> | <Marquee> | <Nolayer> | <Noscript> | <Object> | <Script> | <Sound> | <Spacer>
Description:These are all the HTML multimedia structures.
%Form Fields%
Includes: <Input Type=Checkbox> | <Input Type=File> | <Input Type=Hidden> | <Input Type=Image> | <Input Type=Password> | <Input Type=Radio> | <Input Type=Reset> | <Input Type=Submit> | <Input Type=Text> | <Select> | <Textarea>
Description: This is a shorthand method to specify all allowable form field elements for the FORM tag.

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