End Tag: Required
Support Key: 2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B2 | M | N1.1
What is it?
Tag Example
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= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [bloo@blooberry.com] =
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What is it?
The EMBED tag is the method used to integrate Netscape Plug-In technology into a web page. The tag has three mandatory attributes [HEIGHT, SRC, and WIDTH] but it is extensible in that it allows any number of additional custom attributes that are dependent on the Plug-In used.

The browser first tries to determine which Plug-In to use based on the file extension of the file in the SRC attribute. If it can not determine what Plug-In to use, it will then query the user to determine what to do.
There does not appear to be any official references on this tag anywhere. I have pieced this page together from many different sources and it may not be complete. Also: Some examples in use that I have seen treat EMBED as a stand-alone tag (no closing tag required) but I have seen one or two references to this tag needing a closing tag. I treat the EMBED tag as a container here in these pages. Keep this ambiguity in mind when authoring and be sure to verify the functionality of your pages when using EMBED.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B2 | M | N1.1
Required? No
Specifies the height of the embedded component on the screen.
Indicates an absolute pixel size (positive integer values) or a percentage of the screen/window to use.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B2 | M | N1.1
Required? Yes
Indicates the URL of the multimedia object file.
Values: Either an absolute or relative URL.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B2 | M | N1.1
Required? No
Specifies the width of the embedded component on the screen.
Indicates an absolute pixel size (positive integer values) or a percentage of the screen/window to use.

Style Sheet Attributes
[More on Cascading Style Sheets]
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2
Required? No
This represents an assigned semantic classification grouping(s) for the current tag.
Given as a comma separated list of alphanumeric characters. Class names may contain spaces (multiple consecutive spaces treated as a single space.)
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2
Required? No
This assigns an alpha-numeric identifier that is unique to this tag instance. Style sheets may use this attribute to reference the current instance of this tag. Hyperlinks may also use this identifier to serve as a destination.
An alphanumeric string - initial character must be a letter followed by alphabetic characters, digits, "-" or "." characters. The allowable set of alpha-characters is restricted to the A-Z and a-z set.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | IE3B1 | M | N4B3
Required? No
This attribute is a text string that provides rendering style information for the current tag.
Please see the description of inline styles for more information on how to use this attribute and its possible values.
Example (Using RealAudio Plug-In)
<embed SRC="audio/realaudioclip.rpm" ALIGN="Bottom" WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=20 CONTROLS=StopButton CONSOLE="SoundClip">
Your browser doesn't support plug-ins! Please <a HREF="audio/realaudioclip.ram">play this sound clip</a> using the helper application instead.
Parent Model
%Anchors% | %Virtual Formatting% | %Physical Formatting% | %Block Format Parent% | %Multimedia Parent% | <Body> | <Address> | <Basefont> | <Heading> | <Marquee>
Content Model
%Text% | %Anchors% | %Virtual Formatting% | %Physical Formatting% | %Line Break Content% | %Multimedia Content% | %Block Content% | <address> | <basefont> | <Hx> | <noembed>
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