EE/EB Electronics

ECAL Electronics     867 integration      ECAL Electronics meetings    EE Electronics Photos
VPT HV system     EE cables   E0'   RAL Stephenson preamps        Miscellaneous info  Irradiation tests
Thermister calibrations   DCS     Rack layout of S2 in USC55    UK MGPA/FE contributions

Werner Lustermann's Electronics homepage  
Mark Raymond's MGPA homepage 

VPT to VFE signal readout: on 60cm of coax cable (CERN stores 04.61.11.A, 101pF/m)
HV supplied from Service Cavern, along 110m of coax cable (
CERN stores 04.61.11.C, 101pF/m) to each Supercrystal
EE VFE card NOT the same as the EB VFE card - see EE MGPA/VFE schematic for details.
        Differences: EE does not have the
100nF de-coupling capacitor on the VFE - this is done on the EE HV filter card instead
                           EE has a pair of back-to-back (VPT spark) protection diodes at the input to the MGPA
                           EE dynamic range is different - see notes under 2005, below

temp probes and water sense cable mapping -- Dee-1..4 backplate, P Milenovic 18.6 txt pdf 
Precision temp probes (PTM) and humidity (HM) on backplates/screens, Dee-1..4 backplate, S Zelephoukine 16.6 txt pptx 

Dee1, 2, 3, 4 CCU ID locations, TR structures, B Betev 15.9 pdf1  pdf2  pdf3  pdf4  TR1-3  TR2-4
LV labels on patch panels, B Betev 6.8 pdf
Dee empty readout slots, B Betev 6.8 pdf
Mean Value of Expected Current drawn by Dee Low Voltage ChannelsValid for Dee1, Dee2, Dee3 and Dee4, B Betev 6.8 pdf
LV and token ring structure, Dee1 and Dee3, B Betev 6.8 pdf
LV and token ring structure, Dee2 and Dee4, B Betev 6.8 pdf
EE LV cables, Dee to Maratons, W Funk 1.7 txt  ee-lv
Results for pedestal runs on Dee1, single tower tests in 867, B Betev 28.5 pdf
PTM probes on Dee1-4 backplates, S Zelephoukine, 14.4 ppt
Dwg, of connectors at point 5, coming over HE and serving the EE patch panels, on HE- (HE minus), D Cockerill 18.1 ppt  photos

Study of umbilical lengths on Dee, T Lodge/scanned in by J Williams, 9.5 calcs drawing routing
2650 VFE, 767 LVR housings delivered to CERN, J Hill 20.2 txt
100 VFE, 100 LVR housings to CERN Jan

Consistency between EE and EB noise/ped width figures, D Cockerill  15.11 txt
LVR housing design, M Scandurra 3.11 hpgl pdf
PCB and cable count for EE, D Cockerill 21.9  xls url
List of components for umbilical assembly, T Lodge 10.8 txt
TRLB dimensions and photos, D Cockerill 7.8 ppt   photos
Motherboard protection box, M Scandurra 25.7 pdf pdf2 dxf
HV filter card circuit with short, T Lodge 13.7 pdf
Initial EE VFE card results from Lyon, C Combaret 20.3 txt EE-EB comparison residuals gains-slopes-res linearity
EE FE card redesign files, Darren Ballard 14.3 htm odb gerber prod schem
VPT sorting, VPT-Xtal yields, dynamic range/noise issues, update 4, D Cockerill 14.2 xls pdf

Proposal for final component values, EE HV/MB/VFE cards, D Cockerill 29.11 doc
VFE-MGPA schematics, M Dejardin 17.11 txt pdf

Studies of protection resistor and HV decoupling capacitor values on MGPA output pulse shape, M Raymond 14.10 txt pdf
VFE EE board layouts, L Djambazov 10.6 htm
Twisted pair crosstalk studies
, M Raymond 19.5 pdf
Re: purchasing diodes, M Raymond 17.5 txt
Upper Level Readout workshop at Lisbon, 7-8.4 programme
Preliminary r
esults of studies of a VPT assembly with different umbilical versions, M Raymond 9.3 pdf
Pre-production VFE card usage, Feb  htm
Measurements on irradiated spark protection diodes, M Ryan 25.2 pdf txt

Proposing MGPA15.4pC full scale, RM Brown 24.1 htm

MGPA10pC full scale, 976e RM Brown 21.12 txt
MGPA 8.2pC/4.7kW vs 6.8pC/5.6kW, M Raymond 21.12 htm
rotection resistor noise/10pC full scale, RM Brown/M Raymond 15.12 txt
MGPA Dynamic range estimates - with VPT reduced bias, RM Brown 15.12 htm
Endcap VFE protection resistor noise considerations, M Raymond 15.12 pdf
MGPA Dynamic range estimates, RM Brown 14.12 htm
RE: protection resistor noise, M Raymond 12.12 htm
VFE/MGPA considerations for EE/VPT
, M Raymond 1.11 htm ppt
Radiation tests on capacitors and resistors for the VPT HV cards, I Yaselli, 4.8 pdf
Integration talks, J Nash, W Lustermann, J Grahl 5.4 Nash W-talk1 W-talk2 W-talk3 W-talk4 J-G
Noise for Barrel/Endcap VFE cards with VPT photodetectors, J Nash 31.3 txt xls 
Low voltage regulators and visit to ST,
S Dhawan 4.2 files 
Control Ring tests, Dejardin.M. 4.2 files
ST Regulator Radiation Test Results,
Sasha 19.1 files
LVR Studies, Homer 19.1 info
Token Ring Test Progress, M Dejardin 19.1 files
Chip Production Status, J Nash 19.1 files

Feedback/Action Items From ESR, J. Nash 15.10 files
Motherboard (MB): status & plans, N. Pastrone 15.10 files 
ECAL ESR 8.10 :
Overview of the ECAL Electronics System EB/EE, Jordan Nash files 
    The VFE Card System, Marc Dejardin files
    The FE System, Magnus Hansen files
The Data Link System, Jim Grahl files 
Control System - CCS and Control Link Systems, Kostas Kloukinas, Sasha Singkovski files
    LV and HV Power Systems and System Grounding Strategy, Jordan Nash /Wolfgang Funk info files 
Overview of the Off Detector Electronics, Jean Louis Faure files 
    The ECAL DCS System, Gunter Dissertori files 
    The Integration of Electronics into the Super Modules, Werner Lusterman files 
    Plans for Volume Production of the ECAL System, Jordan Nash files 
    Risks and Reliability, Jordan Nash files 
Notes on possible Low Voltage schemes, D Cockerill 2.2 ppt pdf 
E0 grounding tests. Conclusions, T Lodge, D Cockerill 28.1 txt

Notes on mechatronics solution system A and system B, D Cockerill 25.11 doc
MGPA presentation 2, ECAL week, Mark Raymond 17.10 ppt
MGPA presentation 1, Mark Raymond 4.9 ppt
Memo on FPPA specification, C Seez, 5.8 pdf
ECAL Report on feasability study, P Sharp, 9.7 doc
ECAL Planning from Peter Sharp 2.7 xls 
FPPA Input Protection vs VPT discharge, comments, G Hall, 17.7 htm
Excerpt from Jan 2002 FPPA review on ESD pdf

E0 Grounding tests on SC1 and SC2, T Lodge, A Marsh 29.5-27.6 xls 

Old links
FPPA info
CMS ECAL Electronics homepage (D Barney, 2002)
CMS ECAL Electronics Integration directory homepage (W Lustermann)